A device, fixture, surface, or structure of any kind, made of any material, displaying letters, numbers, words, text, illustrations, symbols, forms, patterns, colors, textures, shadows, merchandise or lights; or any other illustrative or graphic display designed, constructed, or placed on the ground, on a building, architectural projection, wall, post, or structure of any kind, in a window, or on any other object for the purpose of advertising, identifying or calling visual attention to any place, structure, firm, enterprise, profession, business, service, product, commodity, person, or activity whether located on the site, in any structure on the site or in any other location. The term "placed" includes constructing, erecting, posting, painting, printing, tacking, nailing, gluing, sticking, sculpting, casting, or otherwise fastening, affixing, or making visible in any manner. The term does not include a religious symbol on a place of worship.