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Exhibit 150A
Part 1: Rules of Interpretation

1.1. Words, phrases, and terms defined in the SLDC shall be given the meanings set forth in Part 2 below. Words, phrases, and terms not defined shall be given their usual and customary meanings except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning.
1.2. The text shall control captions, titles, and maps.
1.3. The word “shall” is mandatory and not permissive; the word “may” is permissive and not mandatory.
1.4. Words used in the singular include the plural; words used in the plural include the singular. Words used in the present tense include the future tense; wards used in the future tense include the present tense.
1.5. Within the SLDC, sections prefaced “purpose” and “findings” are included. Each purpose statement is intended as an official statement of legislative purpose or findings. The “purpose” and “findings” statements are legislatively adopted, together with the formal text of the SLDC. They are intended to be the legal guide to the administration and interpretation of the SLDC and shall be treated in the same manner as other aspects of legislative history, intent, purpose, findings and intent. In interpretation and application, the provisions of this document are considered minimal in nature.
1.6. Whenever the provisions, standards, or requirements of any other applicable chapter or section of the SLDC are greater, or any other County Ordinance more restrictive, the latter shall control.
1.7. In computing any period of time prescribed or allowed by this Appendix, the day of the notice or final application, after which the designated period of time begins to run, is not to be included. Further, the last day is to be included unless it is not a working day, in which event the period runs until the next working day.

Exhibit 150B
A-1 Rules of Interpretation.
Words, phrases, and terms defined in this amendment to the Land Development Code (“LDC”) shall be given the meanings set forth below. Words, phrases, and terms not defined in the LDC shall be given their usual and customary meanings except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning.

The text shall control captions, titles, and maps.

The word “shall” is mandatory and not permissive; the word “may” is permissive and not mandatory.

Words used in the singular include the plural; words used in the plural include the singular. Words used in the present tense include the future tense; words used in the future tense include the present tense.

Within this Ordinance, sections prefaced “purpose” and “findings” are included. Each purpose statement is intended as an official statement of legislative purpose or findings. The “purpose” and “findings” statements are legislatively adopted, together with the formal text of the Ordinance. They are intended as a legal guide to the administration and interpretation of the Ordinance and shall be treated in the same manner as other aspects of legislative history.

In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this Ordinance are considered minimal in nature. Whenever the provisions, standards, or requirements of any other applicable chapter of the LDC are greater, or any other County Ordinance more restrictive, the latter shall control.

In computing any period of time prescribed or allowed by this appendix, the day of the notice or final application, after which the designated period of time begins to run, is not to be included. Further, the last day is to be included unless it is not a working day, in which event the period runs until the next working day.