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Applications, Permits, Licenses, Approvals and Certificates
Agriculture, Grazing and Ranching Uses A development permit is required. Show Less Show More Beneficial Use and Value Determination (BUD) To provide a process to resolve any claims that the application of the SLDC constitutes an unconstitutional regulatory taking of property. Show Less To provide a process to resolve any claims that the application of the SLDC constitutes an unconstitutional regulatory taking... Show More Borrow Permits Grading permit required. Show Less Show More Certificates of Completion A certificate of completion shall be required for each development permit issued under the SLDC. Show Less Show More Community Participation Designed to maximize public input in important decisions that affect the County, a community or neighborhood. Show Less Show More Conceptual Plan Requirements For approval of certain large scale and phased development as set forth herein. Show Less Show More Development Approvals and Hearings Involves the application of the standards of the SLDC to an application by the Administrator. Show Less Show More Floodplain Development Permit A development permit allowing floodplain development shall be obtained. Show Less Show More Grading, Clearing and Grubbing Prior to engaging in any grading, clearing or grubbing, a development permit shall be obtained. Show Less Show More Home Occupations Home occupations require a permit. Show Less Show More Itinerant Vendors An approved business license is required. Show Less Show More Licensing Required It is unlawful for any person to operate a sexually oriented business without holding a valid sexually oriented business license. Show Less It is unlawful for any person to operate a sexually oriented business without holding a valid sexually oriented business lice... Show More Mineral Resource Extraction and Processing A DCI CUP application for Mineral Resource Extraction and Processing is required. Show Less Show More Procedural Requirements Describes the procedural elements applicable to the various types of applications. Show Less Show More Sand and Gravel Extraction, Large-Scale The Applicant shall provide a detailed statement describing the operation. Show Less Show More Sand and Gravel Extraction, Small-Scale Requires a conditional use permit. Show Less Show More Water Drilling Permits No person shall drill a new statutory domestic well within the service area of the County water utility unless a permit is issued. Show Less No person shall drill a new statutory domestic well within the service area of the County water utility unless a permit is is... Show More
Oil and Gas Overlay Zoning District
Adequate Public Facilities and Services Assessment (“APFA”) An adequate public facilities and services assessment (“APFA”) is required. Show Less Show More Application Fee Each application of an Oil and Gas Overlay Zoning District Classification shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable application fee. Show Less Each application of an Oil and Gas Overlay Zoning District Classification shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable application... Show More Capital Improvements and Services Budget, Plan and Program ("CIP") The County's CIP shall measure the availability of new public facilities and services and expansion of existing capacity of public facilities and services. Show Less The County's CIP shall measure the availability of new public facilities and services and expansion of existing capacity of p... Show More CDRC Recommendation The CDRC shall provide a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners on the application. Show Less Show More Completeness Determination The County shall mail or provide in person a written determination to the applicant on status of the application. Show Less Show More Conflicts of Interest All applications for oil or gas facilities are subject to quasi-judicial procedural due process standards. Show Less Show More Decision of the Board of County Commissioners The Board of County Commissioners shall render a decision on the application. Show Less Show More Development Agreements The County shall enter into and adopt development agreements concerning the development of an Oil or Gas Facility. Show Less Show More Emergency Response and Preparedness Plan ("ERP Plan") An emergency preparedness and response plan (“ERP Plan”) is required. Show Less Show More Environmental Impact Report The draft Environmental Impact Report (“draft EIR”) shall contain the required information. Show Less Show More Fiscal Impact Assessment Involves a study of the fiscal implications of oil and gas drilling in the County and in the Galisteo Basin. Show Less Show More Geohydrologic Report A geo-hydrologic report shall be prepared to assess all geo-hydrologic information pertinent to the oil and gas project area. Show Less Show More Land Development Applications and Approvals No oil or gas facility is permissible anywhere within Santa Fe County until an Oil and Gas Overlay Zoning District Classification (“Overlay Zone”) is extended to the land on which the facility will be constructed. Show Less No oil or gas facility is permissible anywhere within Santa Fe County until an Oil and Gas Overlay Zoning District Classifica... Show More Methodology Determination of compliance must be recommended by the County. Show Less Show More Notice of Pendency of Application The Applicant shall provide all information required for the service of notice to all interested persons. Show Less Show More Oil and Gas Overlay Zoning District Application A concept plan submittal is required. Show Less Show More Public Hearing The Board of County Commissioners shall set public hearings for the Application. Show Less Show More Purpose This Ordinance is enacted to protect and promote the health, safety and general welfare of present and future residents of the County. Show Less This Ordinance is enacted to protect and promote the health, safety and general welfare of present and future residents of th... Show More Referrals The administrator shall refer an Application to other government agencies, cities, or entities having a statutory interest in the matter. Show Less The administrator shall refer an Application to other government agencies, cities, or entities having a statutory interest in... Show More Review Criteria Each Application shall be reviewed by the CDRC and the Board of County Commissioners. Show Less Show More Traffic Impact Assessment To provide the information necessary to allow the Board to assess the transportation effects and impacts of site-generated traffic associated with a proposed oil and gas project. Show Less To provide the information necessary to allow the Board to assess the transportation effects and impacts of site-generated tr... Show More Transfer of Development Rights ("TDRs") Show Less Show More Water Availability Assessment A Water Availability Report is required for an application for an Oil and Gas Overlay Zone District Classification. Show Less Show More
Subdivisions, Land Divisions, Other Plat Reviews
Adequate Public Facilities Regulations (APFRs) The purpose of APFRs is to ensure sustainable growth by requiring that adequate public facilities and services are available concurrently with new development. Show Less The purpose of APFRs is to ensure sustainable growth by requiring that adequate public facilities and services are available ... Show More Applicability and General Rules The provisions of this Chapter apply to any division of a surface area of land into two or more parcels for sale, lease or other conveyance. Show Less The provisions of this Chapter apply to any division of a surface area of land into two or more parcels for sale, lease or ot... Show More County Road Maintenance Assessment A County Road Maintenance Assessment is a financial tool to assist the County to perform road maintenance in subdivisions. Show Less Show More Development Agreements This Subsection provides guidelines for use of voluntary development agreements. Show Less Show More Development Fees The County is authorized to impose development or development fees under the Development Fees Act, NMSA 1978, section 5-8-1 et seq. The County shall only impose development fees consistent with the Act. Show Less The County is authorized to impose development or development fees under the Development Fees Act, NMSA 1978, section 5-8-1 e... Show More Final Plats Final plat approval is required for all subdivisions, both major and minor. Show Less Show More Inspection and Acceptance of Improvements During the preparation of land and the installation of general improvements, periodic inspections may be made by the Administrator. Show Less During the preparation of land and the installation of general improvements, periodic inspections may be made by the Administ... Show More Land Divisions, Subdivision Exemptions and Other Plat Reviews Certain land divisions are not deemed subdivisions and therefore are not subject to the subdivision requirements of this Chapter. Show Less Certain land divisions are not deemed subdivisions and therefore are not subject to the subdivision requirements of this Chap... Show More Preliminary Plats (Major Subdivisions) Preliminary plat approval is required for all major subdivisions. Show Less Show More Sale, Lease or Conveyance Requirements Show Less Show More Special Procedures Any proposed subdivision may be combined and upgraded for classification purposes by the Board with a previous subdivision. Show Less Show More Subdivision Classification and Procedures Subdivisions are classified as either major or minor. Show Less Show More Subdivision Improvements Show Less Show More Summary Review All minor subdivisions creating no more than five (5) lots are subject to summary review. Show Less Show More
Design Standards
Financial Guaranty Prior to the recording of a final plat and issuance of a development permit, an applicant shall submit a financial guaranty for construction. Show Less Prior to the recording of a final plat and issuance of a development permit, an applicant shall submit a financial guaranty f... Show More Historic and Archaeological Resources Protection Intended to preserve and enhance the historic, archeological and cultural heritage of Santa Fe County. Show Less Show More Infrastructure and Right-of-Way Dedication All developments approved shall dedicate property and rights-of-way for and construct thereon public infrastructure improvements to. Show Less All developments approved shall dedicate property and rights-of-way for and construct thereon public infrastructure improveme... Show More Operation and Maintenance of Common Improvements All common infrastructure and improvements required by the SLDC shall be operated and maintained by the County or by a third party as required by this Section. Show Less All common infrastructure and improvements required by the SLDC shall be operated and maintained by the County or by a third ... Show More Water Conservation All plats and nonresidential development shall file signed water restrictions and covenants with the plat or site development plan. Show Less All plats and nonresidential development shall file signed water restrictions and covenants with the plat or site development... Show More Water Harvesting Show Less Show More Water Supply and Wastewater Systems The water supply and distribution system required of any development is dependent upon the nature of the development. Show Less Show More
Oil or Gas Special Use and Development Permitting
Abandonment, Plugging and Site Remediation Upon well abandonment, the Operator shall comply with all regulations. Show Less Show More Bonds and Insurance An Applicant seeking an SUDP shall furnish financial assurances acceptable to the County. Show Less Show More Disposal of Salt Water or Other Deleterious Substances There shall be no disposal of saltwater, produced water or water containing salts or other minerals in quantities that exceed applicable groundwater standards. Show Less There shall be no disposal of saltwater, produced water or water containing salts or other minerals in quantities that exceed... Show More Fracturing and Acidizing Fracturing and acidizing of any well shall be performed in strict compliance with applicable OCD rules. Show Less Show More Hearings Show Less Show More Operating Fees and Reporting A nonrefundable annual inspection fee is hereby levied upon each Oil and Gas Facility. Show Less Show More Operator and Inspection Show Less Show More Permits and Compliance A Special Use and Development Permit (“SUDP”) is required. Show Less Show More Special Use Permit and Development Application Review Each Application for approval of an SUDP shall be reviewed by the CDRC Show Less Show More Special Use Permit and Development Applications Procedure A development order approving an Oil and Gas Overlay Zoning District is required. Show Less Show More Standards for Oil and Gas Facilities All drilling and other operations shall strictly follow the requirements of this Ordinance. Show Less Show More State Application for Permit to Drill Board approval procedure. Show Less Show More Violations, Enforcement and Penalties It shall be unlawful to construct, install, or cause to be constructed or installed, any Oil or Gas Facility or Facilities without the issuance of development orders. Show Less It shall be unlawful to construct, install, or cause to be constructed or installed, any Oil or Gas Facility or Facilities wi... Show More Water Quality Protection Program A fluid-containment system is required. Show Less Show More