MapLink™ | Procedures | Temporary Wireless Facilities Towers Permitting

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Temporary Wireless Facilities Towers Permitting
Temporary towers shall require permitting but under an expedited review process that shall be completed, after payment of a permitting fee, which shall be within five (5) working days.
The need for temporary towers arises when there is insufficient time to complete an environmental notification process before a temporary tower must be deployed to meet short-term wireless communication demands. Such need for deployment includes:
1. newsworthy events that occur without any prior notice and require immediate deployments, such as natural disasters and other natural or local emergency or urgent events;
2. other events that occur with less than thirty (30) days’ advance notice, such as political events and parades for sport teams;
3. events for temporary towers are unknown until days before the event, such as fairs and major sporting events; and
4. situations in which unexpected difficulties with permanent structures require the deployment of temporary towers to restore lost communications while permanent facilities are repaired or replaced.

Temporary towers are authorized subject to the following restrictions:
1. they shall be in place for no more than sixty (60) days subject to one 60-day extension due to changed circumstance or information that emerged after the exempted temporary tower was deployed;
2. they shall comply with any notice of construction requirements of the FAA;
3. they do not require any marking or lighting under FAA or state regulations;
4. they shall be greater than thirty (30) but less than two hundred (200) feet in height; and
5. they either will involve no excavation or excavation only where the depth of previous disturbance exceeds the proposed construction depth excluding footings and other anchoring mechanisms by at least two (2) feet.
Thirty (30) days shall elapse following the removal of one temporary tower before the same applicant may rely on the authority for another temporary tower covering substantially the same service area.

See § 10.17: WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES for complete, detailed infromation.