MapLink™ | Procedures | Sand and Gravel Extraction, Small-Scale

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Sand and Gravel Extraction, Small-Scale
In addition to the submittal requirements for a conditional use permit (§ 4.9.6 Conditional Use Permits (CUP), including any studies, reports and assessments required by Table 6-1, an application for approval of a small-scale sand and gravel extraction activity shall include the following:

Operations Plan.
An operations plan for the small-scale sand and gravel activity consisting of the following:
1. Maps, plans, graphics, descriptions, timetables, and reports which correlate and specify:
a. a detailed description of the method(s) or technique(s) to be employed in each stage of the activity where any surface disturbance will occur;
b. the size and location of area(s) to be disturbed, which includes excavations, overburden spoils, topsoil stockpiles, driveways and roads;
c. pursuant to the standards of § 7.17: TERRAIN MANAGEMENT, a description of all earthmoving activities, including backfilling of cuts and leveling or compaction of overburden;
d. if applicable, the location and size of all water diversions and impoundments or discharge of water used in extraction activity;
e. areas to be used for storage of equipment and vehicles;
f. location and size of any structures;
g. areas designated to be reclaimed;
h. hours of operation and, if applicable, a description of outdoor lighting;
i. fire protection plans; and
j. environmentally sensitive land, floodplains, and wild life corridors.
2. A description of how construction materials will be processed on and/or removed from the site.
3. A description of how each phase of exploration or extraction correlates to the reclamation plan.
4. A timetable for each phase of extraction operations and reclamation.
5. A description of the steps to be taken to comply with applicable air and water quality laws and regulations and any applicable health and safety standards.
6. A drainage control plan showing methods which will be utilized to avoid erosion on and adjacent to the site.
7. A description of all hazardous materials to be used and transported in connection with the small-scale sand and gravel extraction activity and a description of steps that will be taken to insure that the use of such materials will have no adverse impact on the residents or environment of Santa Fe County.
8. A description of the projected noise to be generated and an explanation of how the operator will comply with the requirements of § 7.21: AIR QUALITY AND NOISE.
9. A statement concerning compliance, as applicable, with regulations of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

Operational Standards and Requirements.
1. State Permits.
All small-scale sand and gravel extraction activities shall submit all required state permits, FEMA and/or Army Corps of Engineers permits with the conditional use permit application.
2. Duration and Hours of Operation.
Extraction activity for a small scale sand and gravel operation shall be limited to a two (2) year duration. This two year limit shall not include initial set up of the operation and reclamation. Additional two year extensions may be granted by the Board. Hours of operation are limited to the period between sunrise or 7:00 a.m. whichever is latest, and sunset or 6:00 p.m., whichever is earliest, Monday through Saturday.
Water Supply.
Extraction and filling of a reservoir shall not infringe on a downstream appropriator’s rights.
Project Traffic Impacts:
a. All roads carrying small-scale sand and gravel extraction related traffic shall conform to the requirements of § 7.11: ROAD DESIGN STANDARDS of the SLDC.
b. Transportation Facility Improvements.
An analysis of all roads accessing the site shall be submitted to the County with detailed information concerning the ability of the roads to adequately support the projected traffic, including projected weight of vehicles for 20 years or the life of the small-scale sand and gravel extraction activity. Cost of all improvements required, on- and off-site, shall be borne entirely by the applicant.
c. Trip Generation.
The Planning Commission may establish a maximum number of truck trips allowed to enter and exit a processing location.
d. Traffic Counts.
Traffic counts at the entrance of the operation may be required.
e. Designation of construction and haul routes.
The application shall designate proposed truck haul and traffic routes that shall be subject to limitation by the Planning Commission, which proposal shall:
i. identify the primary haul route including existing road conditions;
ii. identify residential areas, commercial areas, environmentally and visually sensitive areas, schools and other civic buildings along the haul route,
iii. identify alternative routes;
iv. identify the timing of truck haul traffic; and
v. include a fugitive dust plan for designated routes to prevent loss of loads and fugitive dust during transportation.
Project Description.
The applicant shall provide a detailed statement describing the proposed small-scale sand and gravel extraction activity including:
a. The amount and type of materials to be excavated;
b. Duration of the excavation activity and reclamation activity;
c. The proposed method of excavation;
d. The amount of fill to remain on site; and
e. A statement from a New Mexico professional engineer indicating the type of material(s) to be excavated and their suitability for road and structural fill construction.

See § 10.19: SMALL-SCALE SAND AND GRAVEL EXTRACTION for complete, detailed information.
See Permit Application Inquiry for detailed information on Permits and Licenses.