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Community Participation
In accordance with the SGMP, the community participation provisions of the SLDC are designed to maximize public input in important decisions that affect the County, a community or neighborhood.

The establishment of Community Organizations (COs) and Registered Organizations (ROs) is intended to provide improved public participation and to provide an organized and fair process whereby public input may be received on applications for development and community development issues.

Community Organizations.
Community Organizations (COs) are hereby established.

A CO is a new or pre-existing association or organization that is recognized by resolution of the Board to represent a specified geographical area within the County.

See § 2.223 for application requirements for the Community Organization.

The Administrator shall review the application and supporting materials, and shall make a recommendation to the Board which, in its sole discretion, may approve the application, deny it or approve it with conditions.

See § 2.225 for the CO's rights and responsibilities.

Registered Organizations.

Registered Organizations (ROs) are hereby established.

A Registered Organization (“RO”) is any organization (unincorporated association, partnership, limited liability company, corporation) interested in development projects or other County activities. An RO may include an acequia or land grant association, assessment and public improvement districts, public or private utility, school district, homeowner association, or neighborhood association.

See § 2.233 for application requirements for the Registered Organization.

In order to preserve the autonomy and independence of COs and ROs, staff support will be limited to administrative functions in support of CO and RO rights, including providing notice, scheduling meetings and receiving comments.

The Administrator shall review the application and supporting materials, and in his/her sole discretion, may approve the application, deny it or approve it with conditions.

See § 2.236 for the RO's rights and responsibilities.

See § 2.2: COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION for complete, detailed information.