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The purpose of this Section is to provide a mechanism in the form of a variance that grants a landowner relief from certain standards in this code where, due to extraordinary and exceptional situations or conditions of the property, the strict application of the code would result in peculiar and exceptional practical difficulties or exceptional and undue hardship on the owner. The granting of an area variance shall allow a deviation from the dimensional requirements and standards of the Code, but in no way shall it authorize a use of land that is otherwise prohibited in the relevant zoning district.

All applications for variances will be processed in accordance with this chapter of the Code. A letter addressing Section review criteria must accompany the application explaining the need for a variance.

When consistent with the review criteria listed below, the planning commission may grant a zoning variance from any provision of the SLDC except that the planning commission shall not grant a variance that authorizes a use of land that is otherwise prohibited in the relevant zoning district.

Review criteria.
A variance may be granted only by a majority of all the members of the Planning Commission (or the Board, on appeal from the Planning Commission) based upon the following criteria:
1. where the request is not contrary to the public interest;
2. where due to extraordinary and exceptional situations or conditions of the property, the strict application of the code would result in peculiar and exceptional practical difficulties or exceptional and undue hardship on the owner; and
3. so that the spirit of the SLDC is observed and substantial justice is done.

Conditions of approval.
1. The Planning Commission may impose conditions on a variance request necessary to accomplish the purposes and intent of the SLDC and the SGMP and to prevent or minimize adverse impacts on the general health, safety and welfare of property owners and area residents.
2. All approved variances run with the land, unless conditions of approval imposed by the Planning Commission specify otherwise.
3. All approved variances automatically expire within one year of the date of approval, unless the applicant files a plat implementing the variance or substantial construction of the building or structure authorized by the variance occurs within that time.
Administrative minor deviations.
The Administrator is authorized to administratively approve minor deviations upon a finding that the deviation is required, that the result is consistent with the intent and purpose of this SLDC, and that the deviation is not detrimental to adjacent or surrounding properties as follows:
1. minor deviations from the dimensional requirements of Chapters 7, 8 and 9 of the SLDC not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the required dimension; and
2. minor deviations from the density dimensional standards of Chapter 8 of the SLDC not to exceed five tenths of a percent (0.5%) of the gross acreage allowed in the zoning district.

See § 4.9: DEVELOPMENT APPROVALS REQUIRING A HEARING for complete, detailed information.