MapLink™ | Procedures | Subdivision Improvements

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Subdivision Improvements
All primary subdivision boundary corners and the intersections of road centerlines shall be marked with permanent monuments at that point or if necessary with an offset marking.

A permanent monument shall be concrete with a brass or aluminum cap. The concrete monument shall be a minimum of six (6) inches in diameter and shall be extended thirty (30) inches below the finished grade.

Any described mark shall be permanently affixed to rock or concrete through the use of an expansion bolt, set in a drilled hole with a ferrous metal rod (rebar or pipe) of a minimum length of forty-eight (48) inches, a survey post approved by the Bureau of Land Management, or any monument of higher standards.

Secondary monuments may be rebar, pipe or other metal rod, not less than 1/2" diameter and 16" in length with surveyor’s registration number on cap which may be aluminum, plastic, brass or comparable material. Secondary monuments shall be set at all lot corners, points of curve and boundary angle points.
Road Development.
Roads within a subdivision shall be constructed only on a schedule approved by the Board. In approving or disapproving an applicant’s road construction schedule, the Board shall consider:
1. the proposed use of the subdivision;
2. the period of time before the roads will receive substantial use;
3. the period of time before construction of homes will commence on the portion of the subdivision serviced by the road;
4. the requirements of this Chapter governing phased development; and
5. the needs of prospective purchasers, lessees and other persons acquiring an interest in subdivided land in viewing the land within the subdivision.
All proposed roads shall conform to minimum safety and design standards established in CHAPTER 7: SUSTAINABLE DESIGN STANDARDS.

The Board shall not approve the grading or construction of roads unless and until the applicant can reasonably demonstrate that the roads to be constructed will receive use and that the roads are required to provide access to parcels or improvements within twenty-four (24) months from the date of construction of the road.

It is unlawful for the applicant to grade or otherwise commence construction of roads unless the construction conforms to the schedule of road development approved by the Board.

Before approving an application for approval of a final plat pursuant to this Chapter, the Administrator shall ensure that the Board has approved the schedule of road development. Failure to obtain Board approval of the schedule shall mean that the application shall not be deemed complete.

Construction Plans.
Construction plans shall be submitted to the Administrator along with the application.

All required improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the applicable requirements of Chapter 7 and any applicable design and improvement standards required by federal or state agencies, public or private utilities, schools, assessment or public improvement districts or other applicable entities.

The Administrator shall review construction plans for compliance with the preliminary plat, the SLDC, and other applicable requirements, and may consult with the TAC on technical matters.
Modification of Construction Plans.
All installations of improvements and all construction shall substantially conform to the approved construction plans. If the applicant chooses to make minor modifications in the construction plans’ specifications after the recording of the final plat and during construction, such changes shall be made only with the written approval of the Administrator.

It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to notify the Administrator in advance of any substantial changes to be made from the approved specifications or drawings.

In the event that actual construction work substantially deviates from that shown on the approved construction plans, and such deviation was not approved in advance by the Administrator, the applicant may be required to correct the installed improvements to conform to the approved construction plans. In addition, the Administrator may take such other actions as deemed appropriate, including, but not limited to, recommending revocation or suspension of development approvals already issued or withholding of future development approvals.

As-Built Drawings.
 Prior to final inspection of the required improvements, and prior to the issuance of any ministerial development approval for any tract, parcel or lot in the subdivision, the applicant shall submit to the Administrator a digital disk and two prints of as-built engineering drawings for each of the required improvements that have been completed. Each set of drawings shall be recertified by the applicant’s professional engineer, indicating the date when the as-built survey was made.

Sewer and Storm Drainage.
As-built drawings shall show the constructed vertical elevation, invert elevation, horizontal location and size of all sanitary and storm sewers; rainwater capture swales, pervious pavements, filtering and treatment facilities; manholes, inlets, junction boxes, detention basins, and other appurtenances or elements of the sewerage and storm drainage systems constructed to serve the subdivision. Sewer and storm drain lines shall be videotaped and a copy of the videotape shall be provided with the as-built drawings. Copies of any and all test results or other investigations shall be provided to the Administrator.

 As-built drawings shall depict water lines, valves, fire hydrants, and other appurtenances or elements of the water distribution system constructed to serve the project. Such information shall include the horizontal location and size of water lines and the location and description of valves with dimensional ties. Copies of any and all test results or other investigations shall be provided to the Administrator.

Roads, Sidewalks, Bicycle and Equestrian Trails and Paths.
As-built drawings shall depict the location, road right-of-way, width, materials and vertical elevation.

Control Points.
As-built drawings shall show all control points and monuments.