MapLink™ | Procedures | Preparation and Fees

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Preparation and Fees
Applicant prepared.
An applicant for development approval shall prepare their own SRAs as required in this Chapter. The applicant shall deposit, as determined in the Fee Schedule approved by the Board, cash, a certified check, bank check or letter of credit, to cover all of the County’s expenses in reviewing the SRA, including engaging consultants.

Expert Review.
The County may hire outside experts to review any of the submitted SRAs at the expense of the applicant in accordance with the approved fee schedule.

Project Overview Documentation.
In addition to the technical reports required under Table 6-1 and detailed below, every SRA submittal shall include basic project information to facilitate in the evaluation of the application. At a minimum, the project overview documentation shall include the following:
An accurate map of the project site, depicting: existing topography; public or private buildings, structures and land uses; irrigation systems, including but not limited to acequias; public or private utility lines and easements, under, on or above ground; public or private roads; public or private water or oil and gas wells; known mines; parks, trails, open space and recreational facilities; fire, law enforcement, emergency response facilities; schools or other public buildings, structures, uses or facilities; nonconforming building, structures or uses; environmentally sensitive lands; archaeological, cultural or historic resources; scenic vistas and eco-tourist sites; agricultural and ranch lands; and all other requirements of the Administrator as established at the Administrator’s pre-application meeting with the applicant;

A detailed description of the development uses, activities and character of the development proposed for the project site;

The approximate location of all neighboring development areas, subdivisions, residential dwellings, neighborhoods, traditional communities, public and private utility lines and facilities, public buildings, structures or facilities, community centers, and other nonresidential facilities and structures within one (1) mile of the site perimeter;

The proposed traffic circulation plan, including the number of daily and peak-hour trips to and from the site and the proposed traffic routes to the nearest intersection with a state road or interstate;

The approximate location of all fire, law enforcement, and emergency response service facilities and all roads and public facilities and utilities shown on the capital improvement and services plan; floodways, floodplains, wetlands, or other environmentally sensitive lands and natural resources on the applicant’s property; location of historic, cultural and archeological sites and artifacts; location of slopes greater than 15% and 30%; wildlife and vegetation habitats and habitat corridors within one (1) mile of the proposed project site perimeter;

A statement explaining how the proposed project complies with the goals, objectives, policies and strategies of the SGMP and any area or community plan covering, adjacent to, or within one (1) mile of the proposed project site perimeter;

A statement or visual presentation of how the project will relate to and be compatible with adjacent and neighboring areas, within a one (1) mile radius of the project site perimeter.