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Water Conservation
General Requirements.
1. All plats and nonresidential development shall file signed water restrictions and covenants included in this Section with the plat or site development plan. All applications subject to water restrictions and conservation requirements shall file a declaration with the County Clerk memorializing the restrictions of this Section. These restrictions shall run with the land and any violations shall be enforceable by the County pursuant to § 14.3: VIOLATIONS OF THE SLDC.

2. Total water use shall not exceed that specified in the development order, plat note, or the SLDC.

3. Except for water harvested using rainwater catchment systems and gray water, the annual water use for domestic purposes for new residential dwellings constructed on any lot created after the effective date of this Ordinance shall not exceed 0.25 acre foot per year or such lower amount as may be established in the development order approving the land division.

Outdoor Conservation.
Except as otherwise provided in specific subsections below, this Section is applicable to all property within the County, regardless of when the lot was created.
1. Low water use landscaping techniques or xeriscaping shall be utilized for all new landscaping in development.

2. Drip irrigation and landscape mulching shall be provided for all new landscaping required by this SLDC.

3. New sod or grass seed that contains Kentucky bluegrass is not permitted. Lawns of non-native grasses shall not exceed 800 square feet and shall only be watered with harvested water or grey water.

4. Landscaping may be watered as needed during the first and second years of growth to become established; thereafter landscaping may be watered as is needed to maintain viability.

5. Watering or irrigation that is provided through a drip irrigation system shall include a timer that ensures that landscaping is not watered between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. between the months of May and November. Irrigation systems shall be equipped with a rain sensor so that the irrigation system does not operate when it is raining or has recently rained. Such approved systems include but are not limited to evapotranspiration-based controllers. This paragraph does not apply to gardens or agricultural uses.

6. Outdoor watering or irrigation is prohibited between 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. from May through September of each year, except for the following:
a. Plants being prepared for sale;
b. Manual watering by landscape maintenance and contracting personnel;
c. Water derived from rainwater catchment systems or a grey water reuse system; and
d. Water derived from an acequia or other agricultural irrigation.
7. Vehicle washing is only allowed with the use of a shut-off hose nozzle.

8. An outdoor irrigation system may not be operated if leaking.

9. Water leaks shall be repaired promptly and in no event more than ten (10) days from the beginning of the leak. Proof of repair shall be provided upon request.

10. All permanent swimming pools, and any temporary pools with a fill capacity over 3,000 gallons, shall only be permitted in accordance with § 7.24: SWIMMING POOLS of this SLDC.

11. All swimming pools, hot tubs and spas must be covered to prevent evaporation when not in use. Swimming pools may only be emptied once per year.
Indoor Conservation.
Except as otherwise provided in specific subsections below, this Section is applicable to all property within the County, regardless of when the lot was created.
1. Water-saving fixtures shall be installed in all new construction, remodels and in all remodels and renovations when a fixture is being replaced.
a. All toilets and flush urinals shall be EPA WaterSense certified or equivalent standard.
b. All lavatory faucets shall be EPA WaterSense certified or equivalent standard.
c. All showerheads shall be EPA WaterSense certified or equivalent standard.
2. Water-conserving appliances shall be installed in all new construction and in all remodels and renovations when an appliance is being replaced.
a. Residential dishwashers shall be EPA Energy Star certified or equivalent.
b. Residential clothes washers shall be EPA Energy Star certified or equivalent.
3. Water-conserving fixtures shall be installed in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions to maintain their rated performance.

4. Hot water systems shall ensure that hot water is delivered within five seconds of a tap being opened. This requirement can be achieved through the use, either alone or in combination, of the following devices or designs:
(i) an on-demand circulation system;
(ii) a centrally located water heater;
(iii) a point-of-use water heater;
(iv) short hot-water pipe runs;
(v) small diameter piping;
(vi) “instant hot” hot-water fixtures; or
(vii) super-insulation methods.

5. A certificate of compliance by a licensed mechanical contractor or plumber that new construction meets the requirements of the SLDC shall be provided.

6. Restaurants and caterers shall provide water and other beverages only upon request. This shall be clearly communicated to the customer in at least one of the following manners:
(i) on the menu;
(ii) by use of a “table tent” or single signage on the table; or
(iii) posting in a location clearly visible to all customers.

7. Lodging facilities shall not provide a daily linen and towel change for guests staying multiple days unless a guest specifically requests each day that linens and towels be changed.

8. Evaporative coolers shall circulate bleed-off water.

9. Grey water recycling, if provided, shall reduce the annual amount of water needed for the use, by the amount of the anticipated grey water recycling.

See § 7.13114 Conservation Signage and Literature Distribution.

Domestic Well Use Metering Program.
1. All development utilizing a well shall participate in the well use metering program.

2. Meters shall be installed on wells for any development subject to the SLDC. All meters shall be a Santa Fe County-approved meter. The meter shall be read by the property owner annually and meter readings shall be provided to the Administrator no later than April 30th of the same calendar year. Submissions shall include name and address of well owner, location of well, OSE well permit number, meter reading, date of meter reading, number of residences served by the well, make and model of meter and photograph of the meter. If a property is required to submit meter readings to the OSE, these readings may be sent to the Administrator in lieu of the above requirement.

3. All properties that are required to report water meter readings as a condition of plat approval shall have the name and address of the property owner entered into the database when the building permit is issued.

4. All properties that are required to have water meters shall also be required to test their water meter for reading accuracy every ten (10) years and replace if necessary.

5. Failure to submit the meter reading will result in the same penalties as outlined in § 14.4: PENALTIES.

6. When water is used in excess of the amount allocated to the property, the first year a letter with educational/informational materials on how to reduce water use will be sent to the water user and they will be required to submit water meter readings every six months to track their progress. All subsequent water usage violations will result in the same penalties as outlined in § 14.4: PENALTIES.