MapLink™ | Procedures | Water Harvesting

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Water Harvesting
1. Rainwater Catchment Systems.
Rainwater catchment systems are required for all new residential and all new or remodeled nonresidential development, including a change of use from residential to nonresidential, as required below.

2. Overflow from a cistern shall be directed into a designated retention pond or landscaped area.

3. The requirements of this Section shall not apply where a development proposes to utilize grey water recycling for all outdoor landscaping.
a. Catchment Requirements, Residential Structures.
i. Systems shall be designed to capture rainwater from a minimum of 85% of the roofed area.

ii. Residential primary or accessory structures whose roof surface is 2,500 sq. ft. of heated floor area or greater and additions of 2,500 sq. ft. of heated floor area or greater, shall install a cistern that is buried or partially buried and insulated. The cistern shall be connected to a pump and a drip irrigation system to serve landscaped areas. Alternatively, if captured water is to be used for domestic purposes, appropriate plumbing and pumps may be used to convey that water to the point of use.

iii. A structure whose roof surface is 2,500 sq. ft. of heated floor area or less shall install rain barrels, cisterns or other water catchment system including passive water harvesting and infiltration techniques, berms, swales, and tree wells to capture rainwater.

iv. Cisterns shall be sized to hold a minimum of 1.15 gallons per square foot of roof area that is captured; provided, however, that the Administrator may approve a lower amount based upon the applicant’s proposed landscaping.
b. Catchment Requirements, Nonresidential structures:
i. Systems shall be designed to capture rainwater from all of the roofed area.

ii. Cisterns shall be buried, partially buried or insulated and shall be connected to a pump and a drip irrigation system to serve landscaped areas. Alternatively, if captured water is to be used for domestic purposes, appropriate plumbing and pumps may be used to convey that water to the point of use.

iii. Cisterns shall be sized to hold a minimum of 1.5 gallons per square foot of roofed area or the equivalent of a one month supply of captured water, as determined by the Administrator.

iv. Where no new landscaping is required, the Administrator may approve the use of rain barrels or other water catchment system including passive water harvesting and infiltration techniques, berms, swales, and tree wells to capture rainwater.

See § 7.13: WATER SUPPLY, WASTEWATER AND WATER CONSERVATION for complete, detailed information.