MapLink™ | Procedures | Infrastructure and Right-of-Way Dedication

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Infrastructure and Right-of-Way Dedication
Construction of Infrastructure Improvements.
All developments approved pursuant to the SLDC shall dedicate property and rights-of-way for and construct thereon public infrastructure improvements to, as required by the SLDC including, but not limited to, the following: See § 7.2611 through § 7.26113.

Dedication of Rights-of-Ways and Easements.
Any property proposed to be dedicated for a right-of-way or easement in connection with a development, whether related to required infrastructure improvements described in the previous paragraph or not, shall be dedicated before or concurrently with the recording of a subdivision plat, land division plat, or prior to issuance of a development permit for which a plat is not required. Rights-of-ways or easements shall meet or exceed the dimensional standards set forth in the SLDC.

Infrastructure Completion Agreement.
Any infrastructure improvements required for development shall be completed by the applicant in accordance with the SLDC and/or any plans and specifications submitted and approved pursuant to the SLDC.

If the infrastructure improvement is not constructed at the time of issuance of a development permit, the applicant shall enter into an infrastructure improvement agreement with the County to construct the infrastructure improvements. Unless specific infrastructure improvements are included in a voluntary development agreement, any infrastructure improvement shall be completed or the improvement agreement executed prior to the earliest of the following:
1. Recording of a subdivision plat or land division plat; or
2. Issuance of a development permit.

All infrastructure improvements shall be completed no later than two (2) years following the execution of an infrastructure improvement agreement, with additional time provided by the Administrator for good cause shown, not to exceed an additional two (2) years.

An infrastructure improvement agreement shall be accompanied by financial assurance that complies with Section 7.22 of the SLDC, in the amount of 110% of the total value of infrastructure improvements to be provided, as determined by an estimate provided by an engineer duly registered to practice engineering in the State of New Mexico.

Once constructed, infrastructure improvements may be accepted by the County following an inspection. If acceptable, the infrastructure improvements may be accepted so long as the infrastructure improvements conform to the SLDC and any plans and specifications submitted and approved pursuant to the SLDC. Acceptance shall be made by the Administrator following the inspection, and shall be in writing.

Infrastructure Warranties.
Any infrastructure proposed for dedication to the County shall be accompanied by a written warranty for a period of one (1) year following acceptance. Any defects in design or construction arising within the warranty period shall be repaired or replaced at the sole expense of the applicant at no cost to the County if such occurs during the warranty period.