MapLink™ | Procedures | Wireless Communications Facilities (Variances)

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Wireless Communications Facilities (Variances)
Variance Criteria.
No variance shall be granted under the provisions of this Section unless the Planning Commission makes at least one of the following written findings of fact and conclusions:

That failure to grant the variance would prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting the provision of personal wireless services in violation of a license issued by the FCC or federal law;

That failure to grant the variance would unreasonably discriminate among providers of functional equivalent personal wireless services;

That the variance will obviate the need for additional antenna supporting structures;

That the variance is necessary to ensure adequate public safety and emergency management communications; or

That the variance is the minimum necessary in order for the applicant to provide broadcast services pursuant to an FCC-issued construction development approval.

See § 10.17: WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES for complete, detailed infromation.