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DCI Conditional Use Permit
Application Requirements. An application for a DCI Conditional Use Permit shall include the following, which shall be submitted in an appropriate sequence, as indicated:

Application Submissions Checklist.
The Application shall not be complete until all materials required under § 11.7: DCI CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT have been submitted as determined by the Administrator. The Administrator shall provide an application checklist to assist the Applicant.

Requirements and Procedures.
All submittals necessary to comply with the requirements and procedures set out in Chapters 4 and 6 relating to CUP applications.

Final Order.
A Final Order from the Board granting approval of the DCI Overlay Zoning District, Subject to § 11.312 Federal Land.

Demonstration of Compliance.
A demonstration of compliance with all conditions imposed in the Final Order from the Board granting approval of the DCI Overlay Zoning District, if applicable.

State and Federal Permits.
All required state and federal permits.

Phasing Map.
A map identifying the extent and location of each phase of the development, operation, closure, and reclamation of the proposed DCI, including a map with the GPS coordinates for each aspect of the phase in GIS format based on the standard Santa Fe County GIS spatial reference (NAD 1983 State Plane New Mexico Central FIPS 3002 Feet). All phases shall be contained within the DCI Overlay Zoning District, or, in the case of a Mineral Exploration, Extraction, and Processing DCI on federal land, within the permit area defined by the permit issued by the New Mexico Mining and Minerals Division.

Cost Estimate.
A preliminary cost estimate prepared and sealed by a Professional Engineer to comply with all environmental protection, monitoring and reclamation requirements.

See § 11.718 Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) and Baseline Conditions Report.

Studies, Reports, and Assessments.
All SRAs required in CHAPTER 6: STUDIES, REPORTS AND ASSESSMENTS (SRAs) and Table 6-1 for a DCI CUP, which shall conform to § 11.615 Studies, Reports and Assessments and may consist of updated SRAs previously submitted in connection of a DCI Overlay Zoning District application. Where appropriate, the data, information and description required to be included in two or more reports may be combined in a single report or by reference to existing reports. The following is supplemental to the requirements imposed in Chapter 6 and the DCI-specific regulations of the SLDC:
1. Environmental Impact Report.
The Applicant’s EIR shall include a description and analysis of the applicable potential impacts identified in Table 11-1 using the best available science.

2. Baseline Conditions Report (BCR).
The Applicant shall submit a BCR presenting the baseline data gathered pursuant to the SAP and describing the results.
Additional Plans, Reports and Assessments. The following additional plans, reports and assessments:
1. See § 11.71101 Technical and Financial Feasibility Assessment.
2. Applicant Background Report. The Applicant provide or update the all information required under § 11.616 Applicant Background.
3. See § 11.71103 Reclamation Plan.
4. See § 11.71104 Emergency Response and Preparedness Plan.

5. Fugitive Dust Control Plan. The Applicant shall submit a fugitive dust control plan designed and certified by a Professional Engineer with expertise in fugitive dust control and approved by the Administrator, including the chemical and physical characterization of the dust, the control measures to be implemented to reduce the dust, and the sources of water to be used for dust control, provided however that the Board shall not approve a dust control plan which proposes to use potable water for dust control.

6. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Assessment and Plan. The Applicant shall submit an assessment and plan for greenhouse gas emissions prepared by a Professional Engineer with expertise in greenhouse gas emissions control and approved by the Administrator. The assessment shall identify and quantify the greenhouse gas emissions attributable to the proposed DCI. The plan shall demonstrate how the Applicant will offset those emissions.

7. Hazardous and Toxic Materials Plan. The Applicant shall submit a Hazardous and Toxic Materials Plan prepared by a Professional Engineer with expertise in the handling and storage of Hazardous Materials and approved by the Administrator. The plan shall identify the Hazardous Materials associated with each phase of the proposed DCI, including fuels, oils, explosives, hazardous and toxic chemicals, reactive chemicals and minerals, and biological toxins, along with a plan to handle, store, and dispose those materials in compliance with this Chapter, the SLDC, and other applicable federal, state, and local requirements.

8. Wildlife Impact Mitigation Plan. The Applicant shall submit a Wildlife Impact Mitigation Plan developed by a professional biologist with expertise in wildlife impact mitigation approved by the Administrator. The plan shall describe how wildlife impacts attributable to the proposed DCI will be eliminated or mitigated to the greatest extent possible.

9. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). The Applicant shall submit a temporary and permanent SWPPP prepared by a Professional Engineer with expertise in stormwater pollution prevention describing the potential for and nature of sediment pollution, erosion, and other contamination of stormwater runoff. The plan shall describe best practices for mitigating pollution of stormwater runoff.

Review Criteria.
The Administrator, Hearing Officer, Planning Commission, and Board shall consider the following criteria when making a recommendation or decision regarding DCI Conditional Use Permit:
Whether the proposed DCI is consistent with the DCI Overlay Zoning District, if applicable;

Whether the proposed DCI is consistent with the SGMP and applicable Area, District and Community Plan, if applicable;

Whether the proposed DCI or a previous phase of an approved DCI could cause or has caused harm to any resource referenced in this Chapter or the SLDC, including soil, water, air, wildlife, environmental or natural resources, roads, facilities, structures, cultural, historic, or archaeological sites, adjoining uses, or public or private property;

Whether the proposed DCI complies with all federal, state and local laws, regulations, and ordinances;

Whether any of the Relevant Subjects identified in Section have demonstrated a history of disregard for and non-compliance with environmental laws, regulations, or standards; and

Whether the Applicant has demonstrated that the proposed DCI will comply with the requirements and standards of this Chapter, the SLDC, and other applicable federal, state, and local requirements and standards.

See § 11.7: DCI CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT for complete, detailed information.

See Permit Application Inquiry