MapLink™ | Procedures | Violations and Penalties

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Violations and Penalties
Any person who participates in, assists, directs, creates or maintains any building, structure or use that is contrary to the requirements of the SLDC, who fails to obtain a permit required by the SLDC, or who violates the terms or conditions of any development order issued pursuant to the SLDC, shall have committed a violation of the SLDC and shall be held responsible for the violation and be subject to administrative, civil or criminal penalties, as well other equitable and legal remedies.

A code enforcement officer shall have the authority to serve notices of violation on the person responsible for development that is contrary to any provisions of the SLDC, or in violation of a development permit or condition applicable to any development issued under the SLDC or any previous ordinance.

If any notice of violation is not complied with promptly, the code enforcement officer is authorized to request assistance from the County Attorney to institute appropriate proceedings at law or in equity to restrain, correct or abate such violation, to require removal or termination of any unlawful occupancy of development, building or structure in violation of the provisions of the SLDC or an order or direction made pursuant thereto, or to pursue all available criminal and civil penalties appropriate to the nature of the violation.