MapLink™ | Procedures | Geohydrologic Report

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Geohydrologic Report Geo-hydrologic Report Requirement. A geo-hydrologic report shall be prepared to assess all geo-hydrologic information pertinent to the oil and gas project area including information from existing geology, hydrology or hydrogeology reports in the region of the oil and gas project area.

The applicant shall make a cash, certified or bank check, or letter of credit, deposit, to cover all of the County’s expenses in reviewing the Geohydrologic Report, engaging consultants, and for a Hearing Officer to conduct the first public hearing on the Geohydrologic Report. The County will provide an estimate of the cost of conducting the study, which shall provide the basis for the initial deposit. The applicant shall make additional deposits if the initial deposit is inadequate to reimburse the County for the costs of the study, and the County shall refund any unexpended funds on deposit after the study is completed. The applicant shall drill sufficient exploratory wells to adequately characterize the aquifer and the vadose zone. A maximum of one (1) well per acre shall be authorized but up to three (3) wells per acre may be authorized if complex geohydrologic conditions so require.
(a) Borehole Geophysics Requirement.
i. Electric Logs
1. Long and Short Resistivity
2. Spontaneous Potential
ii. Neutron Porosity
iii. Gamma-Gamma
iv. Caliper
v. Temperature
vi. Fluid Movement (Spinner)

(b) Pump Test Requirements.
i. Pump tests should be designed to record drawdown at the well for a sufficient time to determine transmissivity of the aquifer. Duration of the test shall be a minimum of 24 hours.
ii. All tests should monitor the recovery of the water levels in all wells for the amount of time necessary for the water levels to return to the original level.
iii. Standard values for storage or specific yield listed in Exhibit 3 of the Hydrology Appendix to the Santa Fe County Development Code [sic] shall be utilized unless sufficient data is presented to justify an alternate storage or specific yield.
(c) Technical Specifications for Well Construction.
All such monitoring wells shall be constructed according to specifications provided by the Office of the State Engineer, and shall be properly plugged and abandoned when no longer required according to specifications provided by the Office of the State Engineer.

(d) Preparation of a 20 foot water table or potentiometric surface contour map covering a 2 mile radius from the project site showing depth to water and direction of groundwater flow.

(e) Preparation of Geologic Maps, cross-sections and descriptions of the aquifer and surface water systems including information of recharge areas, springs, boundaries and estimated thickness of saturated units. Water Quality.
(a) The applicant shall provide:
(1) an analysis of all single or multiple units or aquifers within a 2 mile radius of the project site;
(2) an analysis of all contaminant pathways leading from the project site to the aquifers in [subsection] (a)(1) above, including saturated sandy units within aquifers and unsaturated or vadose zone map;
(3) an unsaturated or vadose zone map; and
(4) an analysis of baseline water quality relating to:
(i) Up gradient Monitoring Wells;
(ii) Down gradient Monitoring Wells; and
(iii) Existing Wells
(5) recommendations for the location and type of groundwater monitoring stations.