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Notice of Pendency of Application
9.8.1. In the application, the Applicant shall provide all information required for the service of notice to all interested persons as set forth below and shall pay to the County all administrative costs required for service of notice to interested parties. In addition to any notice requirements set forth in the Santa Fe Land Development Code (1996) (as amended), a written notice of the pendency of an Application for an Oil and Gas Overlay Zoning District classification shall be provided by the County to each surface owner, royalty owner, overriding interest owner, unit operator, working interest owner, or severed mineral owner whose property interest abuts a private easement to be used to access the Oil or Gas Facility. The County shall provide proof of such notice by maintaining a copy of the letter providing such notice, a list of the individuals notified, and certified mail receipts. The notice shall be mailed no later than five (5) working days following submission of the Application. For purposes of notice for a proposed well or drill site on which multiple wells will be sited, surface owner, royalty owner, overriding interest owner, unit operator, working interest owner, or severed mineral owner shall receive notice if the property boundary of the surface owner is within three miles of the proposed drill site or well.

9.8.2. In addition to any notice requirements set forth in the Code, the notice of the pending Application shall also contain the following:
(a) A description of the boundaries of the proposed Oil and Gas Overlay Zoning District classification, including a legal description and a street address, if available. The notice must identify the operator and any designated agent for the application; the current business address and telephone number for the operator and its agent, if one has been designated; and a brief description of the facilities and equipment proposed to be located at the site when operational; and

(b) A statement that additional information concerning the application may be obtained from the administrator.

9.8.3. A notice shall be posted by the County in a conspicuous and visible location within the proposed Oil and Gas Overlay Zoning District Classification site, which shall contain the information required in subsections 9.8.1 and 9.8.2 above.

9.8.4. After a public hearing is set, a notice of the time, place and street address of the public hearing, together with a description of the location of the proposed Oil and Gas Overlay Zoning District classification and a detailed summary of the application, shall be published by the County in a newspaper of general circulation in the County at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the date of the public hearing. An affidavit of publication shall be obtained from the newspaper and provided to the administrator.

9.8.5. The County shall also provide notice to any other person, agency or organization that has filed a request with the administrator to receive notice of an application for an Oil and Gas Overlay Zoning District classification.

9.8.6. The County shall provide notice in either the classified or legal advertisements section of the newspaper and at one other place in the newspaper calculated to give the general public the most effective notice and, when appropriate, shall be printed in both English and Spanish.