MapLink™ | Procedures | Standards Applicable to Owner and Owner's Representative

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Standards Applicable to Owner and Owner's Representative
12.3.1. The owner or lessee and the owner’s or lessee’s representative shall file a memorandum setting forth the legal basis asserted for relief under this Section.

12.3.2. The signature upon the application by the owner or lessee and the owner’s or lessee’s representative shall constitute a certification that the owner’s or lessee’s representative have undertaken due diligence in the filing of the application, that to the best of their joint and individual knowledge the application is supported by good grounds under applicable laws, and that the application has been filed in good faith, consistent with the purpose and intent of this Section.

12.3.3. The owner or lessee and owner’s or lessee’s representative shall have a continuing obligation throughout the proceedings to correct any statement or representation found to have been incorrect when made or which becomes incorrect by virtue of changed circumstances.

12.3.4. If a claim for relief pursuant to this Section is based upon facts the owner or lessee or the owner’s or lessee’s representative knew or should have known were not correct or upon assertions of law that were frivolous, the hearing officer shall dismiss the application.

See SECTION 12: BENEFICIAL USE AND VALUE DETERMINATION for complete, detailed information.